Digital Marketing Is The New Colour

Dhvani Gada
5 min readOct 19, 2020

Marketing can be boiled down to the following:

  • Who are you trying to reach?
  • What do you want them to do?
  • How will you encourage them to take that action?
  • How will you measure marketing’s impact on influencing that action?

First, a company has an idea for a product or a service. So, they do some research, survey the market and determine whether the idea is viable. Then they understand customer and customers’ needs. Then, the product or service is produced and released to the marketplace. Now, it’s time to tell people about it. This is where marketers get down to work.

Marketing is about sending the right message, to the right person, at the right time.

Marketers start by researching their audience, crafting a marketing strategy, and determining how to position the product and craft messaging to promote it. They determine the right message to connect with them. They have to figure out the series of actions that the audience needs to make to purchase and become a customer. They communicate with customers to build trust.

Once a product is out there, it needs to be promoted so people know it exists.

Which channels will be used to promote the product?

Where will it be promoted?

What message needs to be communicated?

If you had a map and an itinerary though, you would have been prepared to make the most of your time, and actually accomplish something.

That’s what strategy gets you. A sense of direction, so you can use your time effectively, understand why you’re doing your work, and increase the odds of achieving your goals.

First choose the niche. Research for its market and competition. Then choose a category for your product and become a leader in that. Deciding where to compete is half your success. You should enter a competitive market but with a unique angle.

“Don’t find customers for your product, find product for your customers”

-Seth Godin

Create a good perception about your product. Good and effective marketing will help you achieve that.

Marketing is all about communication. Being able to express your ideas clearly is key.

“You can’t sell anything if you can’t tell anything”

-Beth Comstock

You’ll be doing a lot of writing, whether creating content, or emails to stakeholders.

The more deep research, the better. Transfer your thoughts effectively. Interact with your target audience. Some or other thoughts are always there in peoples’ minds. You just have to join a conversation in their mind and connect with them.

Marketing is all about stories you convey.

The main idea behind content marketing is creating content that helps inform your audience and solve their problems. This achieves a few important goals:

Building an audience. Establishing authority. Driving sales.

The debate between traditional and digital marketing is long and lasting. It ultimately comes down to which one fits the needs of your company. There is always competition between traditional marketing and digital marketing.

Traditional marketing is all about print, banners, billboards, mails, TV, radio, newspaper etc. People lean towards traditional marketing because it’s tried and tested. We all encounter some sort of traditional marketing in our everyday lives. If your product is generic which needs wider targeting than traditional marketing is the best and cheapest way to advertise your product.

But the downside in traditional marketing is that you can not do personalized marketing and you can not track your ads and sales via advertising. Businesses have little to no interaction with the consumers they are selling their products to. You never know who you’ll reach with that investment because results are difficult to measure. Marketers can’t drive more people to read. They can’t boost those ads if they’re performing well.

Traditional marketing is still a realistic and important way to market certain businesses. But digital marketing is an increasingly important revenue driver.

Digital Marketing is all about paid or organic social media ads, email marketing, SEO, SEM, influencer marketing etc. Digital marketing is best to reach affluent English speakers who have spending power. It is a direct way to connect with potential customers globally. Digital marketing is essential for businesses today. It’s become routine for consumers to conduct research and make purchases online. Businesses can have full control of their audience growth and see real-time results of each facet of that campaign.

Disadvantages to digital marketing do exist. Digital marketing depends on technology and, sometimes, technology breaks. When social media sites go down and a social media marketer has posts scheduled to go live, the only solution is to wait it out. Another issue social media sites have begun to face has to do with security.

Always focus on quality of product/service.

Good quality product will sell itself. People will refer your product. Word of mouth marketing is the best medium of marketing. Marketing is not a cost to the company, it is an investment.

Marketing Funnel

For effective marketing we have to understand the CATT marketing funnel.

Formula for this funnel is

Wealth = n ^ CATT

n = niche.

C = Content

A = Attention

T = Trust

T = Transaction

First you have to select your niche. Niche should be a combination of your passion, talent and market. Any two would not give you the results you want.

Then you have to create content. It has to be good communication.

After that bring attention of the audience towards your product by delivering quality product/service and marketing effectively and driving traffic.

Now it’s time to build trust in your customers’. Do deep marketing and retargeting.

And at the end it’s time for a transaction.

For best results create a personal brand. Market yourself. People like to hear from people, not any logo.

Personal branding also benefits in the form of trust and influencer marketing. It is the best way to build trust and acquire space in people’s minds. Write articles as you talk to a friend or send email via your name because how a company will send out email? Only a person can. Build that trust, that they can talk and communicate with you.

So, the conclusion of this article is,

Learn -> Work -> Repeat is the new digital marketing agency which also does designing for your brand.

